The Candle Offering

The Candle Offering, Presentation of the Lord,  Photo by Meryl Viola Bravo

It has been a desire in me to hear the sound of an offering and examine the intentions of a gift being offered to a person.  I was preparing for the Mass of the Presentation of the Lord and as I was approached by a woman also attending the Mass her offering was placed in my hand.  The offering was five dollars and immediately I was at a lightness to tell her with a smile that I was now able to offer a candle for this Mass.  Her offering allowed me to present an offering with perhaps an intention that I could only give with her offering.  She was Filipino.

I have come to a knowledge that the faith of a country is passed on to the young.  And again the hand of my grandmother's offering came to my hand again.

I lit the blessed candle and wrote my Confirmation Saint Name, Faith.

Meryl Viola Bravo 

The Candle Offering, Photo by Meryl Viola Bravo 
