
Showing posts from 2019

Pope Francis-Christmas Message and “Urbi et Orbi” Blessing 2019-12-25

Christmas and Dinner Plates ~ Eat and Setting

Breakfast and a Full Stomach ~ A Catholic who EATS

The Shoes of a Catholic Girl -

A Short Guide to Praying as a Family ~

Blessing a Christmas Tree - Your Bedroom

“Caritas in veritate”: Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclical, 10 years later

Roman Catholic and a Girl who lives the Precepts

Pope Francis- Holy Mass concluding the Synod of Bishops 2019-10-27

A Diary and a Female Saint

The Fatima Shrine, Portugal

Litany of the Sacred Heart

The Election of Pope John Paul II (October 16, 1978)

John Henry Newman | “CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players”

Pope Francis-Holy Mass with Canonizations and Angelus - 2019-10-13

Pope Francis - General Audience 2019-10-16

His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze, Member Retreat Talk

Spiritual Motherhood Sodality Holy Hour

A Sign of the The Triumphant Church - A Mother and Her Cardinal Newman

When a Woman is assumed - Assumed

The Garden and the Immaculata -

The Soul - the Powers of Her Distinct Condition

An attraction and the Heart of the DECISIVE

The heart of Every Catholic Female Person - One Bridegroom

Grandma and my Dance partner -

The Act of Faith - a Godmother

The Natural Moral Law - a Catholic Girl and is Catholic because she lives it

The GRACE of a woman and her simplicity ~

Dialogue ~ and Friend

The Transmission of Faith ~ and condition of DECISION

The HOME and your television ~

Rialto High School Commencement Salutatorian Speech ~ Class of 1996

Bishop Barron Speaks at his High School ~ What do we HONOR MOST?

What does it mean to FIND A FRIEND?

Two crowns - THE CROWN of WHITE and the CROWN OF RED ~ virginity and blood

"Faithfulness to Vocation: Priesthood, Consecrated Life and Marriage" Fr...

"The Eucharist, Family and Presence" Francis Cardinal Arinze

SANCTIFIED branches ~ and the bedroom

Night of the Senses - Spiritual Stages 3/5 - CONF 471

Theology Roundtable - Feb. 8, 2019 - Excommunication