
Showing posts from 2024

Justice and Freedom, The Stump of Jesse

Christmas Tree Lot, Menlo Park, California

A Birthday Memory, Childhood Gifts and Reflections

The Vocation, Female Intellectual in a Male World

Celebrating a Solemnity, Holy Day of Obligation at the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery

Visiting Stanford, Sketch of an Archangel on the Arch of Memorial Church

The Education of Liberal Studies, Bachelor of Arts towards Master of Arts

A Solemn Profession, Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery

The Triumph of a Family, Blessed and Beatified

The Fatima Mysteries, May 13

The Sacrament of Institution of the Eucharist

The Parish and Families

My High School Confirmation Retreat

My Guadalupe Medal

The Candle Offering

Study and Research, The State of Reason, Thomas Aquinas

The Magi and Worship of All Nations

Resting and Closing the Year 2023