The Promise of Mother

Fatima Prayers, First Saturday Mass

In the light of God's Eternal Grace on the human family, there is the Faith of a Mother.  In her faith, there are promises made to her children to preserve a good for each person made and created in her womb as woman.  This is at the Blessed condition of an Act of Faith for their eternal salvation.  How does a mother know the path ahead when her condition is not maintained by the goodness of a husband?

My consolation came when I found a reason to repair an offense and to know this offense grieved His Heart.  Mothers always know when an Act was made against her very person as woman.

Fatima has a promise that I hold in secret as a woman; and no man can enter this secret that a woman can only know.

Meryl Viola Bravo 

Image of Fatima
Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
