Sunday and the Time of Rest ~ A Wife
Yesterday, the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, I was familiar with a form of rest that released me from the movement of the world. Yes, the movement of the world turns around the sun and twenty four hours is a day around the sun. I drank the whole container of Orange Juice and saved some in my 24fl oz CSUSB Alumni Water container and finished it this morning before coming to the Apple Valley Library.
My desires for rest competed with those who did not see work with the right condition and decision of labor and rest. What I plan on doing is find employment that know when the time of rest is necessary.
With contemplation and mental prayer through reading and lectio divina, there is a depth in comprehension at any decision of a library book. I rested reading Rainbow Valley by L.M. Montgomery. What did I rest in?My thoughts on being a wife and a mother reflected in the reading and comprehension of L.M. Montgomery's character Anne of Inglewood. Anne, a married woman of fifteen years to Dr. Gilbert Blythe, with six beautiful children and a husband who was a childhood proponent in studies and challenged consideration of her character as female. I discovered the films depicting their characters were not completely in line with the Author, L.M. Montgomery. I discovered there were some changes and characters not at the right scene and depiction as the novel series presented. Perhaps it is because I am the reader and not a viewer of a film or movie depiction. Perhaps it is because my desires for Holy Marriage came forth strongly as a desire in the Author, L.M. Montgomery. What I discovered was motherhood in the first and beautiful chapter of Rainbow Valley. A mother and female.
My desires as wife and mother came forth strongly in an understanding on the spiritual component of maternal happiness over a child. Susan Baker, the Gray and Grim and faithful handmaiden of the Blythe family at Ingleside, "mothered" Anne's children and especially a maternal attachment to her youngest little son, Shirley, who was simply living because of motherhood. The aspect of motherhood and spiritual dimension of intimate and emotion came forth the reality of goodness that the female character designs in her consideration of children in her presence. I found Anne was alive through her children and Susan Baker was more alive in her decision never to find the little Shirley disciplined through the domestic and physical and corporal punishment of spanking. How did Susan Baker have a say for the care of the child that was never borne from her physical womb?
Her care for the child during Anne's illness from his pregnancy caused Susan to be the life giving care of the child out of all the other children in the Blythe family.
Her attention and affection for the child during Anne's illness when he was first born caused Susan to breathe life into his body and soul and spirit as son and child in need of mother.
And I ask you, when is mother ill?
Susan Baker, in her fortified condition as a friend and handmaiden to the family made it of essence that her motherhood share a life giving embrace to the child and in this, a motherhood beyond the physical and corporal womb was determined in a serious form of describing L.M. Montgomery's exposition of motherhood. With her continued reflection, I rested in my motherhood as Virgin.
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