An Aunt and her Nephew Anthony Romeo ~

On January 21, 2010, my nephew Anthony Romeo Morales was born and on this day Aunt Meryl celebrates a Virgin Martyr named St. Agnes a Lamb of Rome, who sacrificed her life for Jesus.  A Lamb is a Gift for God at the Altar of Sacrifice and we offer a Gift to Jesus everyday.  The day Aunt Meryl learned Anthony Romeo was born she was scheduled to attend the Walk for Life in San Francisco, California.  And this was so providential in God's plan for the Gift of Life in Anthony Romeo Morales.
Watching EWTN and learning the Scriptures with Aunt Meryl 2016

Sunday Mass at St. Joseph the Worker, Loma Linda visiting Grandma and Aunt Meryl 2015

Anthony Romeo Morales's First Mass Kit, First Rosary, and First Priest Chasuble given and made by Aunt Meryl 2016

St. Agnes of Rome
Virgin Martyr of the Roman Catholic Church
Feastday is on January 21
