The Effects of Divorce and Remarriage ~

Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Reyes and Marilyn Viola Bravo - Married in 1978
Divorced with Civil Lawsuit in 2002
Alfredo Reyes Bravo is a rapist.

Carlos Viola - Father of the Bride Marilyn Viola Bravo

The Bride with her Mother Natividad Baltazar Viola and her Sister, Elvira Viola Villegas

Marilyn Viola walking down the isle

Marilyn Viola Bravo and Alfredo Reyes Bravo are my biological parents who walked down the isle while I was in the womb of Marilyn Viola Bravo.

These two individuals used me as their reason for getting married.

And these two individuals have constantly been blaming me entering into the Marital Bond of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

I was born the same year they entered into the covenant.

And she was so malnourished the doctors needed to induce labor and Meryl Viola Bravo was born dehydrated and half dead :( .

And when they divorced, this affected Meryl Viola Bravo's continuation in Carmel.
